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Top 10 career after 12th Science for Biology Students.

What to choose as a career after 12th Science is the biggest question that runs in every students mind. Parents too loose their peaceful sleep after their child clears 12th science board exam. Actually there are hundreds of options available to the students of 12th science stream. But without proper knowledge and guidance about the right option it does become difficult and confusing for both the students and their parents to select the suitable option for a bright career.
Career after 12th Science Courses after 12th Science
In this article information have been provided about Top 10 career after 12th science that will help students to choose what is best career optionsafter 12th for them.  

The term Science is actually used in a broad sense and it has two forms under its umbrella: Pure Science and Applied Science. Again science can be divided into two more sub categories namely: Maths category and Biology category. There are various graduation and professional courses available to the students as career after 12th scienceChoosing a  career options after 12th science is  very promising as the scope for science student is very high and opportunities are always knocking at the door if they select right field of career matching with their natural talent. According to now-a-days market trend professionals with science background are always on high demand not only in home but also in abroad. The two most popular and most sought career options after 12th science in India are Engineering and Medical. 

For those who has a keen interest in Medical can opt for courses: MBBS or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. Those who wish to have a career in biology will surely agree this to be the best career option. Other options available in the Medical Field are: BDS (Bachelor of Dental surgery) and BAMS or Bachelor of Ayurveda medicine and surgery, Physician, Optometrists, Dental Surgeon, Pharmacists, Nursing and a lots of others 

Students with interest in Math and Physics or chemistry can get into Engineering Field. There are many choices available in this field for specialisation like Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Bio-Medical, Information Technology, Marine, Electronics and telecommunication and many others. Engineering is by far the best career options after 12th science with a bright future.

Some other opportunities available to the students after 12th science are the following:

Known to be the mainstay of Indian economy Agriculture includes Dairying, Poultry Farming and Horticulture apart from production of Fruits, Vegetables and food grains. In this field there are many options available like research and teaching. one can select among these courses after 12th science in agriculture;-
  Courses after 12th Science
1.   B. Sc in  Agriculture.
2.   B.Science in Agricultural Eco and Farm management
3.   B. Sc in Agricultural Meteorology
4.   B. Sc in Agricultural Biotechnology
5.   B. Sc in Agricultural Statistics
6.   B. Sc in Agronomy
7.   B.Sc (Agriculture Mktg and Business Management)
8.   B.Sc (Bio-chem and Agricultural Chemistry)
9.   B. Sc in Crop Physiology
10. B. Sc in Entomology
11.  B. Sc (Hons) in Agriculture

Forensic Science
The field of Forensic science involves investigating of a crime with the help of applying scientific principles. These are degrees and diplomas after 12th  for students who is interested  in forensic science as career options after 12th.
 Courses after 12th Science
1.   B. Sc in Forensic Sciences
2.   B. Sc  in Life Science, Chemistry, Forensic Science
3.   Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science for Police personnel
4.  B.Sc in Forensic Sciences
5.  Diploma in F/Sciences (Ballistics and Finger Prints) 
6.  Diploma in Forensic Science (Cyber Crimes) 
7.  Diploma in Forensic Science  (Computer Forensics)

Bio Technology
The field of Biotechnology is totally a combination of biology with modern technology, which produce result in alter cells to manipulate them as required. It helps scientists to develop treatments for various diseases and very helpful to humans and other living forms. Biotechnology used in a variety of fields like Environmental, Agricultural, Pharmaceutical, Energy and Chemical. These are the degrees and diplomasafter 12th in biotechnology:-

1.   B.Science in Biotechnology
2.   B. Sc in  Biotechnology and Bio informatics
3.   B.E. in Biotechnology 
4.   B.Tech (Industrial Biotechnology)
5.   Diploma in Biotechnology 

Geology is the study of earth and everything related to its structure, processes including study of organisms inhabited on earth.  Geology also comprises study of oceanography, hydrogeology, geostatistics. Interest and study in this field may get you the chance to work with the environmental consultant companies, non profit organisation, natural resources consultant and companies, Universities and government agencies and Geological survey of India. These are the degrees and diploma after 12th in geology:-
 Courses after 12th Science
1.   B. Science in Geology
2.   B.Sc (Hons) Geology
3.   PG Diploma in Environmental Geology
4.   PG Diploma in Engineering Geology
5.   PG Diploma in Geology (Ground water)

It deals with the study of living and extinct animals their evolution, structure, behavior, function and interaction with environment. Zoology is diverse and broad field which includes studies of mammals, insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fishes and a lot of other. One can become zoologist, lecturer, ornithologist and even wildlife expert after studying in this branch of science. These are degree in zoology while considering career after 12th science:
 Courses after 12th Science
1.   B. Sc in Zoology
2.   B.Science (Hons) in Zoology
3.   B. Science in Aquaculture (Fishery Microbiology)
4.   B. Sc in Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology
5.   B. Sc in Zoology and Animal Biotechnology

Food Technology
Food Technologist demand is growing day by day as rise in demand for packaged food and its long preservation due to many modern changes in food habbits.  Food technology deals with the scientific understanding about foods we eat and what are the actual production process to make foods, packaged and preserved. A degree in this field can get one the job of Food Quality controller, Research Officer, Packaging manager and a lot of others jobs. Students may go for food technologycourses after 12th science;
  Courses after 12th Science
1.   B. Sc in Food Preservation and Processing
2.   B. Sc in Food Processing
3.   B. Sc in Food Processing and Technology
4.   B. Sc in Food Storage, Preservation and Food Tech.
5.   B. Sc in Food Technology (Bio-Chemical Engineering)
6.   Diploma in Fish Processing Technology
7.   Diploma in Sugar Technology

This field is study of living organisms which may be a cell cluster, single cell or may be no cell at all, these are invisible to naked eye such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. There are many types of different microbiology. But Medical microbiology is well known as it deals with the human illness. Other Microbiology includes food microbiology, environmental microbiology and veterinary microbiology. There are ample of career opportunities and jobs for Microbiologists in Pharmaceutical, Food, Research and development laboratories in hospital, Beverage and chemical industries, Research organisations, Agriculture and Health care research.
 Courses after 12th Science
1.   B.Science in Microbiology
2.   B.Science (Hons) in  Microbiology
3.   Diploma in Clinical Microbiology
4.   Diploma in Clinical Pathology
5.   Diploma in Industrial Microbiology

Now without getting confused and with the above suggestions move forward to choose a career path according to interest and abilities.

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M.L Sharma P.S.A.S - 1 said...

very useful and meaninrtgful article.Thanks.

shaad said...

very helpful,thanks.

Unknown said...

can any one tell me ...microbiology or biotechnology me se koin c line zyada aachi hai......plz

Unknown said...

good article,,,but emphasis shud also b on the scope of these degrees

Unknown said...

Very helpful..thanks

Keerthi said...
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Sharmi said...

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Mahek Anwar said...

I'm a biology student and I'm not interested in MBBS or BDS
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Mahek Anwar said...

I'm a biology student and I'm not interested in MBBS or BDS
I've completed my 12th this year and I'm aiming to go abroad with biology stream
Please suggest me carrier options seeing my situation

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Unknown said...

I'm 12 bio student
And I am not interested in MBBS/BDS .
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

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Careers in bio technology can be very lucrative if planned carefully! Nice, informative post, thanks!

sheethal said...

ma'am iam really confused about taking a perfect course after twelth.plz suggest some courses.i like maths, biology but dislike chemistry and physics.i also dont like medical field . i would love to pursue something different with my talents ,but i cant understand my positives or what iam good for .my parents are really forcing me to take either engineering or medical field. i dont know what to do.plz help

Unknown said...

Its a very helpful article
But I am still little confused
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Plzzz help.....

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Hello friends, I have completed my 12th this year,I am biology student and my parents didn't afford money to do course.please suggest me a diploma course in medical.

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I m good student of 12bio stream with 87% and also I m at cota for medical coaching but at realy i want to be work with computer..
.. Is their any field for me????please suggest me

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Very nice

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Gowrisankar said...

I finished 12th iam interested in geology any one help me

Gowrisankar said...

I finished 12th iam interested in geology any one help me

Unknown said...

i have completed my 12th with biology then what next courses i can do other than MBBS

Unknown said...

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In between microbiology or forensic science which line have more scope.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

What should i read in biology i am confused and right now i passed xii

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this information on Top 10 career after 12th Science for Biology Students. I am sure it will help a lot of biology students to select careers that will enable them to practice their professionalism and to gain the required skills. I will be recommending this site to biology students accessing our editing services with requests such as “Redo my Dissertation.”

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I wish to have a work abroad. Please guide me which course to take up relating to Biology after 12th.

Unknown said...

I think you should go with microbiology

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think you should go with microbiology

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I want to work abroad in genetic engineering. Please guide me what to do after class 12th

Unknown said...

very informative Blog. Thanks for posting

Satta Market said...
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Kalai tutty said...

Awesome postings very big thanks

சங்கீதா said...

is there scope for microbiology? WHAT KIND OF JOB WILL BE THERE AFTER STUDYING MICROBIO? is there any competetive exams for microbio? answrt

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

It's good article to know courses

Anonymous said...


Jyoti Gajam said...
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Jyoti Gajam said...
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Jyoti Gajam said...
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Jyoti Gajam said...

Hii, i am bio student , i have just completed my 12th, is food microbiogy a good career to choose

Aishwarya K said...

I'm really confused whether I should opt for bsc agriculture or bsc microbiology .. will​ you please help me out

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Hello .
I got marks in 12th B group ..
What is the perfect line for me ....
Plz suggest me for good future..

Muskan said...

I think biotech is best it has more scope

Muskan said...

I think biotech is best it has more scope

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Unknown said...

I am doing bsc(hons.)from AIIMS delhi but I wanted to do MBBS.Should I leave this course?Is it better for me or not?plz suggest....

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