So, 12th exam is over now and you are confuse what to do after 12th? Which career after 12th you should choose ? what are the hot and latest trends in all india competitive exams? What competitive exam you shall appear for a career options after 12th ? is happy to help in this regards and we will surely help you in selection of a hot top 10 competitive entrance exam after 12th.
The difference between a competitive exam and a board exam is, that in board exam you are sure that contents will be consider according to the syllabus and semester only but in competitive exam, question selection is from much wider area and different tests according to current selection criteria of an exam. In other words, its toughest tough and all india basis. That’s why choosing career options after 12th in Pre Medical Test and in engineering competitive exams only handful of candidate make ways to medical colleges and Indian institute of technologies.
It doesn’t matter either you are going for traditional bachelor degree or any professional career after 12th, you have to compete with other students and devote a lot of time in preparing for these competitive entrance exam after 12th as admission criteria now a days going tough to accommodate only suitable and well deserve candidates. Henceforth, has compiled a list of latest and hot Top 10 competitive exams after 12th :-
NDA & NA Entrance Exams (National Defecnc Academy and Naval Academy): National Defence Academy exam is an all india entrance exam and one of favorite exam amongst the aspirants who loves to serve the nation and want to makes a career after 12th in Army, Air Force and Navy. The education qualification for this test is 12th pass from a recognized state or central education board for Army, and for Naval and Air Force wing, Physics and Mathematics subjects are required after 12th science. After clearing NDA exam, individual gets a 3 years training in case of NDA, and students joining NA undergo 4 years B.Tech course and get a chance to serve in Technical and Executive branches of the Navy. It is one of best competitive exam after 12th science for those who wish to serve th country in the field of Defence. For online applying, Forms and more information about whole NDA exam procedure, just log in and

New Pattern of All India Engineering Entrance Exam 2013 for IIT JEE The new pattern of AIEEE 2013 exam scrap the two old pattern engineering entrance exams of IIT JEE and AIEEE. From 2013 onwards admissions in Engineering colleges on basis of all india entrance exam , will be done through JEE MAIN and JEE Advanced entrance exam. JEE main is the entry level exam replacing IIT JEE, which will be done through both online and offline and allowed top 1.5 Lakh top rankers of JEE MAIN 2013 to go for next stage JEE Advanced for the admission in IITs, State and Central engineering institutes and NIIT. In new pattern AIEEE exams provisions student of 12th appearing for their final exams can also reappear to improve their previous score. For more details of new pattern of AIEEE and IIT JEE, just log in to

NEET UG (National Eligibility Entrance Exam for Under Graduate) NEET UG is a single entrance cum eligibility test for admission in MBBS/BDS courses on all india entrance exam basis after 12th science. Previously AIPMT (All India Pre Medical Test) was conducted by CBSE for admission to MBBS/BDS, 15% seats of All India quota. But with NEET UG introduction, AIPMT and other Medical entrance exam of under graduate level exam will replaced. NEET UG conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and a single stage exam with paper and pen test in offline mode.NEET UG under graduate exam syllabus recommended by Medical Council of India shall be scrutinised on The duration of NEET (UG) entrance exam is 3 hours. Application forms, Examination centre cities, instructions for filling up application form is available on

AFMC (Armed Forces Medical Collage) Entrance Exam : AFMC acknowledged as a premier medical institute in medical research and education in india and one of toughest entrance exam after 12th on all india entrance exam base. AFMC provides brightest career options after 12th prospects through its training to under graduate and post graduate nursing and medical students in Indian defence services. Many aspiring students after 12th science take AFMC entrance exam to get entry into served in armed forces medical branch. MBBS courses of AFMC has a duration of 4 and half year, followed with internship of 1 year. After qualifying AFMC entrance exam students and his/her guardians are required to sign bond aggrement that after training completion, student is compulsory liable to serve as commissioned officer in medical services of Defence forces at least for 7 years. AFMC aspiring students have to prepared hard to get qualify in this exam. The Qualification of appear in AFMC entrance exam is 12th with subject English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and securing 60% aggregate marks in science subject (PCB) and not less than 50% marks in English subject. The candidate must also passed in Mathematics of 10th standard. More details of AFMC entrance exam can be obtained from

CLAT (Common Law Admission Tes ) Entrance exam: CLAT is an all India base entrance exam after 12th for admission in under graduate and post-graduates courses of Law (L.L.B and L.L.M) offered and conducted by 14 National Law universities (NLUs) on all india entrance exam. If you are looking for what to do after 12th and interested in building a career in the field of Law than you have to clear this entrance exam. The eligibility for appearing in CLAT for L.L.B course for under graduate is Intermediate (10+2)/Higher secondary or equivalent exam with aggregate of not less than 45% marks (in case of SC/ST students 40% marks required). The age limit for the General category candidates is less than 20 years, for SC/ST it is 22 years. Information Brochure and Application Form for CLAT-2013 shall be purchased from 51 designated branches of SBI located in all major cities across the India or through any of the 14 National Law Universities (NLUs). The cost of Information Brochure and Application Form for CLAT-2013 for General and others Candidates is Rs 3000 and for SC/SCT candidates it is Rs 2500/- For more details about CLAT and other helpful information, refer this portal

NCHMCT (National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology) Entrance Exam If your field of interest is catering & hotel and you wants to make a career after 12th in hotel industry as a career options after 12th. NCHMCT conducts entrance exam for admission in a regular full time 3 years (6 semester) B.Sc Degree course in Hospitality and Hotel Administration, jointly with Indira Gandhi National open University and National council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology. The study program of NCHMCT provides an insight knowledge of hotels industry, service attitudes of hospitality and technical skills of catering technology to scholar besides Latest Food and Beverage Services, Functional and operational areas of various Food Production, Modern House Keeping and operations. The eligibility for appearing in this exam is 10+2 or equivalent with English as one of the main subject. The age limit for General/OBC/PH candidates is 22 years and for SC/ST candidates it is 25 years. For details, just refer

NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Exam) Entrance Exam NIFT is a premier institutes in the field of fashion Design, Technology and Management developing professional in fashion design field for taking up fashion business to new height in the new globel scenario and emerging one of best career options after 12th for many aspirants ascareer after 12th. NIFT spreading the fashion education through a nework of 15 domestic professionally managed centres located in major cities in all over india. The eligibility for NIFT entrance exam is 10+2 or equivalent for under graduate program and for PG course, UG degree is required. The maximum age for UG admission is 24 and there is no age bar PG degree courses. For more NIFT details refers

BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test) Entrance Exam: Birla Institute of Technology & Science is a reputed institute conduct this entrance exam for its bachelor degree engineering courses in Technology, Pharmacy, Sciences, Engineering, Humanities and Management for its campus at Pilani, Goa and Hydrabad. Its an online exam. For admission in any of its courses after 12th science, individual have passed 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized state or central education board with subjects PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). The individual should have obtain 75% aggregate marks in PCM in 12thexam, with at least secured 60% marks in PCM subjects alongwith adequate proficiency in English. For details of BITSAT, online applying and other information refers

NID (National Institutes of Design) entrance exam: NID is an internationally acclaimed premier institutes of India which provides professional education in Textile, Industrial, IT and Communication design. NID is an autonomous institutes under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GOI. The educational eligibility for various GDPD (Graduate Diploma Programme in Design) entrance exam after 12th is (10+2) or equivalents, subject to passing the entrance exam. For more NID entrance exam details, refers official portal,

SSC (Staff Selection Commission ) Jobs exam If you have decided that to choose a career after 12th you will join a govt job as Lower division clerk in any of the various govt Departments/Ministries, Railways and Armed Forces than SSC will help you in applying and appearing for various jobs in govt sector for which minimum education qualification required is 10+2. Through SSC any students after 12th can apply for central govt jobs in various departments of central goverment. You can browse various government jobs advertised from time to time in this portal,